The Importance of Showing Up… Even in a Blizzard!


The Eastern Coast of the United States was hammered by a record-breaking blizzard this past weekend, and there have been some amazing stories of whole cities being shut down, leaving millions of people stranded at home. Some people, though, still showed up for work, even in the middle of the blizzard! Amazingly, members of the “Old Guard” at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery in Washington, D.C., continued to be at their post throughout the whole ordeal, showing unrelenting perseverance.

Over at his blog, Dr. L. Lavon Gray makes an interesting comparison between the commitment of the “Old Guard” to their role, and the commitment that worship leaders, worship team members, and choir members should have to their calling.

Gray says, “Steve Vogel of the Washington Post captured the spirit of the sentinels when he stated, ‘It reminded all that their lone walk before a marble sarcophagus was not merely a job, but a calling and honor not to be easily cast aside or abandoned for momentary convenience.’

These events remind us that being faithful to our calling and showing up, even when it’s not convenient, make a difference! This is especially true in our role as worship leaders. As musicians gifted and called by God, we are given the responsibility to lead our church family in worship each week.”

If you serve on a worship team or sing in the choir, your “ministry of presence” is important, and just showing up, even in the middle of difficult circumstances, can make a big difference.

To read more about our important role as worship leaders, how we lead the church in spiritual battle, and the importance of “showing up,” please read the original article here.