Guest Post by
In the beginning, there was darkness. Then, Tami Twittered, and there was WorshipChicks.
Cue fog machine.
“Darkness” may be a stretch, but the rest is actually pretty accurate.
About a year ago, an unknown worship leader in one of the many Chicago suburbs tossed an idea into the Twitter-sphere.
“What if there was an online community for women in worship? To teach, support, encourage, and talk about our role … We could call it WorshipChicks!”
It probably wasn’t the first time such an idea had been expressed – or perhaps even Twittered – but it was the first time a lot of us had heard it, and the response was electric.
Encouragement, excitement and ideas started flying and within a few days, the simple, preliminary Facebook group had over 100 members and comments ranged from, “This is awesome!” to, “I tend to choose almost all my clothing according to whether or not it will be comfortable enough to wear while worshiping my guts out. :)”
A small gathering of groundbreakers established, WorshipChicks became a weekly discussion topic on Tami’s blog. Topics ranged from shoes to conflict resolution. Some were gender-specific; some discussed things every worship leader has to think about or deal with.
In January, WorshipChicks found an online home of its own at their very own dot com. The group had already become more than what Tami – a pastor’s wife, ministry leader, and home-schooling mother of three (soon to be four) – could administer. With the help of a friend and fellow WorshipChick, the community continues to expand.
So what is WorshipChicks? Simply put, it is a forum for women leading worship to discuss common issues, share ideas, and connect with one another. It’s a growing community that supports, encourages, and prays for one another. The blog sometimes instructs, sometimes inspires, sometimes asks questions, and sometimes just tries to connect people. The only thing that is not on the table for discussion is whether or not women should lead ministry.
“We believe that the comprehensive understanding of scripture does not bar women from the ministry,” Tami explains, “And it’s a conversation that we don’t want to get distracted over. We’re here to support and encourage women, not to doubt and call into question the calling God has on their lives. If you don’t believe women should be in ministry, we respect that as your sincere interpretation of scripture, but ask respectfully that you take it elsewhere.”
Men are welcome too. Most of the conversation is not gender-specific. A few of the WC pioneers were men, and the discussion over what to call them has stirred ever since – Allies? WorshipDudes? NonChickFriendsOfWorshipChicks? We may never know.
Check out the ‘Chicks (and … um … not-‘Chicks) at, and jump in. You can find them on Facebook, and Twitter @WorshipChicks.