Worship Music News: New Releases (May 15, 2012)


Hey, some great music available this week!

If you’re an independent worship artist and you would like to be included in this list please email any information to editor@theworshipcommunity.com AHEAD OF TIME. We’ll do our best to include you in the list!

New Worship Releases: May 15, 2012

Phil Wickham – Singalong 2

Recorded live on March 30th at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA. Fans of Phil Wickham’s first singalong have been anxiously awaiting this release.

PhilWickham.com | Facebook | Twitter

Around The Community:

We’re pleased to share a few releases that are also under the radar so to speak, but that we want to get the word out about.

Gary Durbin – Worship EP (NOISETRADE)

Gary is the worship arts director at The Orchard Church in Denver, Colorado. He has been leading worship in the local church since 2002. In 2005, he released his first album, “Everything”, and, in 2008, he released his second called “Far Away From Me”. His latest album is Kingdom EP released in 2010. His next album is due out in the spring of 2012, called Jesus EP. He has had his songs recognized by Myrrh Records, WorshipSource.com, the Purpose Driven Worship Conference, and SongDiscovery. Gary’s passion is leading people in corporate worship and connecting them to the true God.

NoiseTrade | Facebook | Twitter

Wisdom Moon – Awakening, featuring Michael Farren (SINGLE, NOISETRADE)

Wisdom is the founder of two popular online resources: All About Worship and The Songwriter’s Cafe. “Awakening” was written in Spring 2011 out of a heart’s cry for the Lord to move mightily all across the world. The single released in May 2012 worldwide. Produced by Sean Hill. Vocals by Michael Farren of Pocket Full of Rocks and writer of “Let it Rain.” A free chord chart is included in the download.

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