Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God
Bob Kauflin
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Crossway Books (March 31, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 158134824X
ISBN-13: 978-1581348248
I have been an avid reader of Bob Kauflin’s blog Worship Matters for over a year. I read it almost daily and try to incorporate what I can within my ministry. Bob has been in worship ministry for a long time and his insight is much appreciated. Anything I read I weigh it against two thoughts:
1. What can I get out of this?
2. What can others get out of this?
While I personally love Bob’s blog I find that it may be a difficult read for those who are just starting out in ministry. It is full of great thoughts on theology, ministry and worship but I think some of it is very complex.
When I ordered this book I was eager with anticipation, but expecting more of what he does on his blog. What I got was a special treat.
Theology with practicality in terms that can be understood.
This book is a must read for anybody involved in worship leading or service planning. It delves deep into the theology of worship, but does it in a way that almost anybody can understand. It explains the trials, pitfalls, definitions and many, many other things. Then Bob goes into application. He teaches how you can take his insights into your own service and use them for a more effective ministry.
There are four main sections in the book:
1: The Leader
2: The Task
3: Healthy Tensions
4: Right Relationships
Each section discusses the topics and then encourages application. He goes into detail about what worship is, it’s many styles, leadership, how to put together a service, lyrical content, tensions, worship wars, songwriting, and relationships.
This is a fantastic book and a delightful surprise. Worship matters found it’s place on my shelf of “must read books on ministry” and I’d recommend it for yours as well.