The Ways We Express Worship: This series explores the different “shades” of praise and worship that we see throughout the Bible. Where in English we might only see the word translated as “praise” – there are several different meanings that can apply.
The Ways We Express Worship: Kneeling | Giving Thanks (Lifted Hands) | Surrender (Lifted Hands) | Halal (Clamorous Celebration) | Shouting
Shabach (Shaw-bakh’) 7623:
Are you ready to get loud? Shabach means to address in a loud tone. It’s typically associated with freedom or triumph. But it’s more than just a loud shout, it’s the idea of putting everything you have into it – an attitude of wholehearted praise.
Psalm 63:3-4 (We typically look at this psalm as weak, soft cry of thirst in a dry place, but the word PRAISE in verse 3 literally means to SHOUT praises!)
“Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.” (ESV)
Combining the SHOUT of praise with the HALAL (the loud, boastful, celebratory praise) gives us the word Hallelujah.
It’s ok to shout praises to God. Psalm 149:6 says let the High Praises of God be in their mouths, and a double-edged sword in their hands.” We know from the teachings of the New Testament that our battle isn’t literally against flesh and blood, but what this does mean for the modern, spiritual Believer is that the high praises (shouts) of God are our battle cry, because it is GOD who does battle for us!
The Ways We Express Worship: Kneeling | Giving Thanks (Lifted Hands) | Surrender (Lifted Hands) | Halal (Clamorous Celebration) | Shouting
Russ Hutto is the Associate Director of Worship & Media at St. Simons Community Church where he mentors, oversees and helps lead Family and Student worship environments. He is also the content curator and editor here at The Worship Community.