Sunday Setlists Featured in Worship Leader Magazine’s Best of the Best


We’re excited to be featured as a BONUS selection in the “Song Finders” category of this year’s Best of the Best put on by Worship Leader Magazine.

Three years ago The Worship Community’s founder Fred McKinnon started a blog carnival called #sundaysetlists.

What Is Sunday Setlists?

It’s basically a virtual gathering of worship leaders, musicians, tech folks, team members, ministry leaders, pastors, etc. who share their weekend worship experiences. It’s not a complicated resource or an exhaustive collection of how-tos or top-ten lists, but it IS a goldmine of valuable insight into EXPERIENCES!

People share their ups, downs, and in-betweens. They share their good, bad, and sometimes uglies! It’s all about coming to #sundaysetlists and sharing what went on with you and your team each weekend, and it has produced a very valuable resource for ministry leaders/members looking for song ideas, creative set ideas, artistic expression inspirations, service flow tips, and much, much more.


Another great “happening” that revolves around #sundaysetlists is community. Oh sure, there’s people who don’t think a twitter list or a blog comment can generate community, but we’ve seen it in person. Meeting people face-to-face that we’ve interacted with solely via twitter and TWC through the weekly #sundaysetlists, and KNOWING them. Yes…knowing them. Knowing what their church culture is like. Knowing what they’re leadership style is like. Knowing their frustrations, their victories, and to a degree, their hearts.

Sure you can’t beat a face-to-face consistent relationship with a person (and we’re not suggesting an online relationship should ever take the place of real, live people in your life), but there is something of value in connecting with similar people from all over the world, who share the same struggles, fears, triumphs, and victories that you do.

And that’s what #sundaysetlists has been doing for over 3 years. Thanks to all who continue to participate!

You can join in on the Sunday Setlists fun by hashtagging your song list or blog link tweets with #sundaysetlists each sunday. Here’s some from last week:

A big thanks to Worship Leader Magazine for putting out a great Best of the Best this year, and thanks for giving ##sundaysetlists the bonus nod!