We’re partnering with our sister site HighestPraise.com to offer this great resource pack to all who sign up for our mailing list! We have 2 options when you sign up 1) a daily digest email filled with resources, articles, forum posts, etc. from The Worship Community and 2) a weekly free worship resource from HighestPraise.com.
Free Resources
We’ve got some great gifts lined up for you when you confirm your subscription:
- 6 Great worship songs from Fred McKinnon (founder of TWC)
- 2 Great worship songs from Integrity Music
- 2 Chord Charts from Integrity Music
- Mirror Ball (ebook) by Matt Redman from David C. Cook
All you have to do is confirm your subscription!
We promise never to spam your box and we’ll only send appropriate worship and ministry related messages, resources, and emails to benefit you in your worship-oriented work!