More than Songs: Giving as Worship, an intro to DollarFund


The English word “worship”; “worth” + “ship” means “to proclaim or display the great value of someone or something.” However, the Biblical word we translate most often as “Worship” literally means “to kiss the feet of…” – a far less-than-subtle difference between me speaking highly of someone, & bowing to the ground to kiss their feet when they enter the room. The first doesn’t cost me much, but the second: I am humbly throwing my whole self out before another – displaying that they are my everything, and presenting myself to them for their use and service – that everything I am & have is theirs.

That sort of worship is more than songs, & the whole drama that is the Bible is a story about worship – a story of God’s gift to us, & our response of offering what we have back to Him.

My friend, Curt Beavers, has come up with a simple, unique way to give a tiny portion of what God has given to us, back, in a way that helps the ‘least of these.’ Watch the video below to have our interest piqued.

$12 a year doesn’t sound like much – it’s not. The biggest investment for DollarFund is spreading the news to others, investing your network & trusting the process – recognizing that in God’s hands a few fish can feed many. Does it sound too good to be true – sure it does. That’s how God does things.

Let’s let 2018 be a year of giving back, in small ways, & in the huge. Watch the video below to grasp the bigger picture, then visit DOLLAR FUND to join what God’s doing there, taking another opportunity to offer a tiny fraction of what He’s given to us back to him for His use!