We’ve put together a few posts from the archives for you to read. We wanted to pull out some of those that really emphasized some great themes in WORSHIP PLANNING. They are GREAT articles and will challenge you. Be sure to come back and leave your thoughts, comments, experiences, and comments!
Creating Worship: The Art of Simmering: (July 9, 2010) A wonderful article by Kim Bontrager
What makes an effective worship experience? We know that God works and moves in our corporate worship gatherings in whatever way He chooses. But there is a human element of planning on the front end; how do we put together the puzzle pieces in order to do our part to create worship opportunities?
Planning Ahead: (August 11, 2008) An article by Russ Hutto about being more intentional in seeking the Holy Spirit in service planning.
…A challenge to those in leadership to take weekend gatherings to the next level. People aren’t interested in coming to church because, in general, our presentation of the Gospel, our approach to discipling, and our efforts at helping people become community are lacking.
This includes our times of musical worship. Twenty years ago we could all just come together and sing a few choruses to be considered cutting edge and innovative. In this day and time it takes intentional, strategic planning.
Lest you misinterpret my challenge, my aim is not to convince you to cut out spontaneity or free-roaming interludes of musical worship. My goal is not to convince you to sing this song or that, in this style or that. I’m not trying to convince you to use this technology or that. My challenge isn’t about method, as much as it is about intent.
Team Communication: (November 3, 2008) A challenging article (part 3 in a series) about communicating vision to your team.
…So how do we take a group of people, bombarded by life and focus them on one thing? You communicate your vision.
We have to let the team see what we see. Vision is all about intent and purpose. The passions God has placed in our hearts are lived out in everyday life. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your heart is, there will your treasure be”. This is not about money. it is about passion and desire. Vision is born out of our passions and desires. Everything we do communicates something about us. And where we place our time and resources, communicates where our heart is.
What are ways that you and your team “simmer?” What do you do to intentionally plan ahead for the Holy Spirit to move in and through your worship gatherings? How do you communicate the vision God has given your church and team effectively?